Five Ways To Avoid Employee Burnout

Five Ways To Avoid Employee Burnout

What is employee health screening? Have you ever heard of “chemistry” as a factor in company growth? It has long been recognized as a key element in successful companies, sports teams and really any organization. But how do you get there?

Employee engagement is one of the most important things that can keep a company moving forward instead of remaining stagnant or even trending downward. Often companies, in starting out, are able to achieve the initial spurt of energy to get rolling and establish some foothold in the marketplace. But then there can be a plateau as a potential hazard arises: employee burnout. What can cause this and what can be done to avoid it? Here’s five ways that can be accomplished.

Have Approachable Management

As a manager make yourself approachable to the people working for you. There’s nothing more foreboding than walking past a closed office door day in and day out. Show that you’re willing to listen to what your employee thinks about how the company runs… and be receptive to suggestions. That’s not to say that you should spend a lot of time talking about non-business with them… but make sure to show that you’re human and recognize that they are, too. Acknowledge that not everything will be implemented but don’t let them ever feel like they aren’t being heard at all.

Make Clear Roles For All

Clearly define your employee job functions. Few things can turn an employee off faster than their not having a clear role in the company. They want to come in to work each day knowing exactly what they are going to be doing and if that’s constantly in flux, then their attitude is going to quickly reflect that lack of focus. Precious time and resources can be wasted with this chaotic environment that make even the most diligent worker’s eyes glaze over quickly.

Appreciate Your Employees

Treat every employee as important – they are! Employees want to feel like they are viewed as being valuable human beings. Nowhere is that more evident than how they are treated by management in terms of their wellness. Are they encouraged to eat healthily or is the vending machine stocked up with sugary snacks? Are things like going to the gym available or are they expected to spend all of their waking hours and beyond in the office? A lot of productivity time is lost when people constantly have to call out sick. Healthy employees make for a productive… and happy workspace.

Recognize Good Work

Acknowledge good work when you see it. One thing that can breed resentment is the feeling that one’s work is going unrecognized. If your worker feels that he or she is toiling long hours and it’s unappreciated, it can be a very swift slope downhill to lack of interest. A manager may see a sudden decline in the quality of work that had previously been meeting high standards to barely hitting the minimum mark of professionalism. Reversing that can be quite costly and if it trickles throughout a department, the cogs of the businesses work machine could grind to a halt. Everyone deserves recognition for what they bring to the company.

Be proactive

It’s important for organizations to be able to recognize the early signs of employee burnout and be proactive in taking preemptive steps to keep this from becoming a deep-seated problem that is more than capable of wrecking morale and halting any potential momentum and gains. Once malaise has set in, barring wholesale changes, precious productivity and budget forecasts can be lost and even potentially doom it into irrelevance.

Corporate Wellness Solutions can help you find the best ways to keep your employees energized. They offer a wide range of possibilities to choose from: Health fairs, “Pamper Me Days”, “Lunch and Learn”, and “Massage Days”. You can contact us on our website to find out more about what we can do for you.